Frequently Asked Questions

Related to:

1. Products

Where does Belle Kalista Beauty get its products?

We source our products from an international network of suppliers - who are meticulously vetted to meet the high standards we set for each and every product we sell. Our team of buyers are located in Asia, Europe and North America - with access to renown brands as well as undiscovered, independent beauty names.

How do you ensure your products are fresh and genuine?

Quality Control is at the heart of our philosophy, our belief that we would never sell an item that we wouldn't use ourselves. EVERY single item that we receive undergoes an intensive and meticulous inspection process that ensures each and every package is genuine and fresh. We emphasize a process of careful handling and storage of every product that we source. If for any reason you are unhappy with the product you received, please let us know so we can make it right!

Why do some items look different from what I see on the shelves at major retailers?

Our ability to save the passings onto you, the customer, is primarily because we source our products from international markets. If we can find the freshest product at the best possible costs, we will purchase them - whether it comes from Seoul, Paris, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Munich - we make luxury beauty accessible to all.

We also feature independent brands from worldwide sources to give you access to items that are hard to find. Whether you are into k-beauty, vegan, organic or clean beauty - we are confident you'll find that rare find with us.

Can I get samples?

Yes, however, we only offer samples when they are available.

How do I know when an item is available again?

Please feel free to email us at to so we can check when we will have an item back in stock. Or subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on restocks as well as new promotions!

How do I know which product would suit me best?

We make it simple for you to find a product that fits your needs! We organize our products by category, brands, preferences and needs (such as skin care concerns) to help you find that perfect product.

2. Promo Codes

3. Orders

4. Payments

5. Shipment and Returns